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PayAnalytics introduces our new Workplace Equity feature

PayAnalytics’ new Workplace Equity feature helps organizations move beyond equity in pay alone. This feature helps companies analyze diversity and representation among current employees, new hires, and employees who exit the organization, and it looks for demographic differences in who receives raises and promotions.

Ireland Rolls Out New Pay Equity Law

Ireland Rolls Out New Pay Equity Law

In summer 2022, Ireland implemented a far-reaching pay equity legislation, the Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021. This legislation requires employers to begin reporting on their gender pay gaps. Companies will need to report differences in the mean and median pay between male and female employees. And if there’s a pay disparity, the company will need to provide a written explanation for it and outline any steps planned to close the gap.

PayAnalytics Year in Review: 2022

PayAnalytics Year in Review: 2022

PayAnalytics looks back on a productive 2022. We rolled out several new features to support customers on their pay equity journeys, and we celebrated big milestones for several of our customers. In addition, our team presented at conferences and published their research to promote pay equity worldwide.

Pay Transparency Requirements Take Effect in New York City

Companies hiring in New York City have been changing the way they advertise job openings in response to the new pay transparency law. The New York City pay transparency law's effective date was November 1, 2022, and since then, companies with four or more employees must post the pay range for every job posting. The law covers all NYC-based companies. It also covers companies beyond city limits posting remote jobs that may be filled by NYC-based workers.

Det ojusterade lönegapet jämfört med det justerade lönegapet

Demografiska löneskillnader är ett växande problem, och behovet av lösningar för en mer rättvis lönesättning blir allt mer angeläget. Begreppet brukar gå under benämningen "lönegapet". Men vad är då för för skillnad mellan det justerade och det ojusterade lönegapet?

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