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42% of organizations are planning for pay equity adjustments in 2020

42% of organizations are planning for pay equity adjustments in 2020 according to the recently published @WorldatWork 2019-2020 Salary Budget Survey. Is yours one of them? PayAnalytics can help. Our customers use PayAnalytics to assist them in every step on the way towards a transparent and fair pay structure. Our software solution recommends individual raises to close the gap, quickly detects outliers, gives an overview of the cost to help with the budgeting, and so much more.

Dr. Margret Bjarnadottir (@mvilborg2) from @payanalytics recently wrote a guest feature for @insideBigData about addressing demographic #PayGaps with Data-driven Solutions.

Demographic pay gaps, including the gender pay gap, are the result of more complex factors than just a desire to minimize payroll expenses. They stem from unconscious biases and processes that are better suited to one group compared to another. And, as multiple executives have found out, good intentions and “mindfulness” are not enough to eliminate the gaps.

Why Companies' Attempts to Close the Gender Pay Gap Often Fail

PayAnalytics co-founders David Anderson and Margrét V. Bjarnadóttir wrote an article together with Cristian Dezso and David Gaddis Ross for Harvard Business Review about closing the gender pay gap.

Gender pay equity has become a big point of contention at many companies. Not only have politicians and other public figures spoken out against the gender pay gap, but there has also been a rising tide of high profile lawsuits targeting major employers, most notably in the U.S., with all the bad publicity and financial liability they entail.

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