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PayAnalytics Webinar Hosted by Willis Towers Watson (WTW) Italy

PayAnalytics’ Head of Consulting, Víðir Ragnarsson, will lead a special webinar on February 16, 2023. Hosted by Willis Towers Watson (WTW) Italy, the webinar will include a presentation and software demo and will be translated live into Italian.

For businesses curious about pay equity software, Willis Towers Watson (WTW) Italy will host a PayAnalytics webinar on Thursday, February 16. This event is open to participants from any region but will be translated live into Italian.

The presentation will give an overview of the PayAnalytics software and will include a demo.

PayAnalytics is a world-leading pay equity software solution that makes it easy for organizations to measure and close their pay gaps. The software accounts for differences in job roles or other, organization-specific objective factors that drive legitimate differences in pay. After measuring the adjusted pay gap, it suggests targeted raises to close the gap in the most efficient way possible, and it provides ongoing decision support to prevent the gap from reemerging. The software generates user-friendly reports that meet customers’ local regulations and legal requirements.

This live webinar will be led by our Head of Consulting, Víðir Ragnarsson. We hope to see you there! You can register for the webinar here.

Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev
Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev

Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev

Vårt nyhetsbrev tar upp ämnen som jämlik lönesättning, kompensation och förmåner, DEI (mångfald, jämlikhet och inkludering) samt lagändringar och även nyheter om vårt företag och uppdateringar av programvaran.

US Pay Transparency Laws by State 2024

While there is no comprehensive federal pay transparency law in the United States, pay transparency laws at the state and city level are becoming increasingly prevalent. These regulations require employers to be more transparent with salary ranges and benefits, and they aim to help promote fairness and equity in the workplace.

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