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Coffee Talk

#17 - What impact can a German TV editor's lawsuit have? Starring Katinka Brose

Margret is the host of this episode and is joined by Katinka Brose from the Fair Pay Innovation Lab. They discuss a fair pay lawsuit filed by a German media maker who went to court against her employer in 2017. But what impact will this case have on jurisprudence in Germany, where fair pay lawsuits can be counted on two hands so far? To what extent is the type of contract decisive here, and how can gender discrimination in pay be determined?

#60 - Sana Zafar on the surprising effects of pay gaps

It’s intuitive that a gender pay gap would leave women feeling less than satisfied in the workplace. But according to Sana Zafar, our coffee talk guest, the real effect is more nuanced. Pay gaps lead to lower satisfaction among both women and men, but through different mechanisms.

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