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Awards premiere of Universal Fair Pay Check

On the 17th of March, companies will be awarded based on the Universal Fair Pay Check. This international certification measures equal pay performance in a coordinated way between companies in different countries.

Companies in Spain are now obligated to take action to ensure equal pay for work of equal value

Companies in Spain are now obligated to take action to ensure equal pay for work of equal value. DireACTIVAS, one of our partners in Spain, wrote an article (in Spanish) on the new legislation and the potential impact it will have on equality in Spain. We are happy to assist Spanish companies in fulfilling the requirements of the new legislation - and our solution is of course also in Spanish!

Margrét Bjarnadóttir will participate in a Reykjavik Global Forum 2020 digital session

Come and join us virtually for a conversation about equal pay: the fast changing legislation around the world, the role of analysis and data driven decision support, the equal pay journey and key levers to drive change - all packed into 90 minutes.

Margrét Bjarnadóttir from PayAnalytics will participate in a Reykjavik Global Forum 2020 digital session on Wednesday 11th November 09:30 UTC.

The name of the event is A Fair Diagnosis: It’s time to close the wage gap - FPI Lab and you can register using the registration link below.

How data and analytics are essential to the process of closing pay gaps — a blog post for PRCA

In a recent blog post for PRCA PayAnalytics Co-founder and Chairman Margrét Bjarnadóttir explains in a nutshell how data and analytics are essential to the process of closing pay gaps – and keeping them closed. She explains, among other things, the two types of pay gaps most commonly mentioned in the press and the difference between the two. The blogpost also embeds a video where Margrét amongst others discusses the role of ethics and fairness when closing pay gaps. The discussion was a part of the PRCA Ethics month.

Margret Bjarnadottir wrote for Ms. Magazine: We’re Not Waiting 200 Years to Close the Gender Pay Gap

The World Economic Forum estimates that it will take over 200 years to close the gender pay gap. No one should have the patience to wait that long. How can we accelerate change? The answer may lay in data and models with a good dose of transparency.

The journey starts with gathering the data and understanding the pay structure. Then companies move on to identifying areas for improvement and eliminating unexplained demographic pay gaps through corrective action—in other words, ensuring equal pay for equal work.

The New Business Venture Fund investiert in PayAnalytics

The New Business Venture Fund hat 525.000 USD in das Softwareunternehmen PayAnalytics investiert.

PayAnalytics hat eine Cloud-Lösung für gleiche Entlohnung entwickelt und ist in den letzten Jahren rasant gewachsen. Die Software hilft bereits mehr als 50 Unternehmen und Organisationen in Island, die insgesamt 30.000 Mitarbeiter bzw. rund 14 % des isländischen Arbeitsmarktes beschäftigen, geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede zu beseitigen.

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