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California strengthens its pay equity requirements

California, the first U.S. state to pass a law on pay data reporting, is considering proposed legislation taking the requirements of the original bill even further. Senate Bill 973 on pay equity was passed in September 2020 and requires large employers to provide data on employees by race, ethnicity, and sex in the ten job categories and pay ranges used by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The first data reports were submitted to the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) in March 2021.

VÍS — Working towards gender equality
Árangur viðskiptavina

VÍS — Working towards gender equality

VÍS, the largest insurance company in Iceland, offers comprehensive insurance solutions in the consumer and corporate sectors. They have close to 200 employees, mainly in Reykjavik and in different field offices around the country.

What happens in organizations when pay becomes more transparent?

Pay transparency has been regarded as an essential device to address and close pay gaps resulting from demographics, such as gender and race. New legislation, worldwide, aimed to address the gender pay gap - has in common an emphasis on more transparency in pay and pay decisions.

What Italy's equal pay legislation means for Italian companies

On December 3, 2021 Italy signed a new equal pay law (Law 162/2021) that seeks to tackle the pay gap between men and women and encourage the participation of women in the labor market. The law introduces some important amendments to the Italian Equal Opportunity Code (Legislative Decree 198/2006), which prohibits all direct and indirect remuneration discrimination for the same job or a job considered as having the same status. The new law, focusing on transparency and rewards, is consistent with the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), which contains, among other things, a National Strategy for gender equality for the years 2021-2026.

How to use use People Analytics to Build an Equitable Workplace

Harvard Business Review just published this article, which is written by two of PayAnalytics' founders, Professors Margrét Bjarnadóttir and David Anderson, along with Professor David Gaddis Ross. It discusses how automation is changing HR and what we need to be aware of when applying Automation and AI in People Analytics.

Vörður hlýtur Hvatningarverðlaun jafnréttismála árið 2021

Það gleður okkur hjá PayAnalytics alltaf sérstaklega að fá fréttir af framúrskarandi árangri viðskiptavina. Á dögunum hlaut tryggingafélagið Vörður Hvatningarverðlaun jafnréttismála 2021 með áherslu á kynjajafnrétti. Verðlaunin eru veitt árlega til fyrirtækis sem stendur sig vel þegar kemur að jafnréttismálum og veitir öðrum innblástur til að gera slíkt hið sama. Við óskum starfsfólki Varðar innilega til hamingju með árangurinn.

Margrét Vilborg stofnandi PayAnalytics í viðtali við Morgunvaktina á Rás 1

Einn af stofnendum PayAnalytics, Margrét Vilborg Bjarnadóttir, mætti í Morgunvaktina á Rás 1 í morgun og spjallaði við þau Björn Þór Sigbjörnsson og Guðrúnu Hálfdánardóttur. Hún talaði um launajafnrétti, vegferð PayAnalytics og um nýlega 450 milljón króna fjárfestingu Eyris Vaxtar og Nýsköpunarsjóðs í PayAnalytics. Hún fór yfir hvernig fjárfestingin verður nýtt til að mæta mikilli eftirspurn með því meðal annars að tvöfalda þróunarteymið og byggja upp alþjóðlegt sölu- og markaðsteymi.

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