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Addressing Demographic Pay Gaps with Data-driven Solutions | guest feature for insideBIGDATA

Dr. Margret Bjarnadottir (@mvilborg2) from @payanalytics recently wrote a guest feature for @insideBigData about addressing demographic #PayGaps with Data-driven Solutions.

Demographic pay gaps, including the gender pay gap, are the result of more complex factors than just a desire to minimize payroll expenses. They stem from unconscious biases and processes that are better suited to one group compared to another. And, as multiple executives have found out, good intentions and “mindfulness” are not enough to eliminate the gaps.

Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev
Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev

Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev

Vårt nyhetsbrev tar upp ämnen som jämlik lönesättning, kompensation och förmåner, DEI (mångfald, jämlikhet och inkludering) samt lagändringar och även nyheter om vårt företag och uppdateringar av programvaran.

US Pay Transparency Laws by State 2024

While there is no comprehensive federal pay transparency law in the United States, pay transparency laws at the state and city level are becoming increasingly prevalent. These regulations require employers to be more transparent with salary ranges and benefits, and they aim to help promote fairness and equity in the workplace.

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