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The Nordic DEI Paradox - Not so Paradoxical?

Margret, our co-founder, Dr. Marie Louise Sunde, Founder and CEO of Equality Check, and Tuula Rytila, Corporate Vice President at Microsoft Digital Stores had an inspiring discussion on a panel on gender equity at the Nordic Innovation Summit two weeks ago. The panel was called "The Scandinavian DEI Paradox—Not So Paradoxical?" referring to the fact that while the Nordics consistently score at the top of every equality scale, women are still underrepresented on boards and in top management.

What the Nordic Innovation Summit had to say about the event:

Meet the extraordinary women behind the upcoming Nordic Innovation Summit panel titled “The Scandinavian DEI Paradox—Not So Paradoxical?”

Margret Bjarnadottir, the co-founder of PayAnalytics, is using her Reykjavík-based company to change how organizations measure—and more importantly close—the pay gap by arming HR managers with quantitative decision-making tools.

Joining Dr. Bjarnadottir in discussion is Dr.Marie Louise Sunde, Founder, and CEO of Equality Check, who built her company to empower organizations to identify and measure equality gaps, and present evidence-based solutions to close them.

This conversation will be moderated by Tuula Rytila, Corporate Vice President at Microsoft Digital Stores.

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La nostra newsletter tratta argomenti come equità retributiva, retribuzione e benefits, DEI (diversità, equità e inclusione) e modifiche legislative, nonché notizie sulla nostra azienda e aggiornamenti software.

US Pay Transparency Laws by State 2024

While there is no comprehensive federal pay transparency law in the United States, pay transparency laws at the state and city level are becoming increasingly prevalent. These regulations require employers to be more transparent with salary ranges and benefits, and they aim to help promote fairness and equity in the workplace.

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